Support KAF

We love it when the community gets involved with our Foundation and programs! We work with various other organizations such as other early childhood and education programs, the Department of Culture, the Bermuda Youth Library and many more! Contact us for more information.



Our family membership program provides key support for our Creative Minds program in public schools and grants members a 10% discount on class and camp fees and early access to registration.  Membership costs $80 per family per year and can be purchased on our registration website  Once you create a login or login with your existing username, at the very bottom of the page you will see the Customer Area.  Here you can manage your contact details, bookings and membership options, but you must be logged in to see it!


We always need the help and partnership of the community.  We accept volunteers in our after school classes and camps particularly those interested in studying education or art. Please fill out form HERE and send to [email protected]

As a charity, our operating funds are often limited and we rely on community support for transitioning our garden between seasons, and larger projects like painting our building or making garden structures. There’s always something happening at Kaleidoscope that could use your help, so please get in touch! 


If you’d like to support our work, you can donate via  Please email us if you would like your donation to be targeted toward particular programs such as our bursaries or Creative Minds. There are also always common items our teachers need for projects – check back here for an updated wish list!


KAF 365

We have seen that children, given the freedom to question and create, through messy play and outdoor exploration have gone on to be deeper thinkers and more enriched human beings. But don't take our word for it – listen to the ones who have experienced Kaleidoscope for themselves. Please join us on this journey just a dollar a day can help us to build our bursary funds, fix our infrastructure, and support our Creative Minds programme in public schools. A dollar a day can empower more children.

Watch the video